
Semiotics is the study of signs or a sign system.

Semiotician Ferdinand de Saussure is seen as the founder
Other early developers of the study of semiotics are
Claude Levi-Strauss
Charles Sanderspierce
Roland Barthes

Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use of interpritation

Sassure said it's made up of two parts

A signature- The element (real life)
The signified' the concept

Subject positioning: we all read media texts slightly differently because we approach them from our own personal subject position.

Roland Barthes argued that verbal language is just one way in which we communicate.

Signifier- Denotation- literal things we see
Signified-  Connotation- ideas created

signs are polysemic ( Different meanings)

a sign can become a myth

naturalisation- the process of myths


-cowboy hats
-western film

bold text- All caps

grainy/low quality

old style film
Font is better qaulity

Connection between characters (in the image they are close) perhaps brothers or partners however they are facing away from each other

charcter in lightly coloured hat is in front must be more important in the movie than the other one.

character allows room for scenery- must be important
evident as mountains is in scenery- BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN

Warm tone in peoples faces and rest of image is old toned- could indicate that this film includes relationships/connections
Supported by 'Love is a force of nature'

Fancy font- all caps
Gold- wealthy  gold represents "Star"
Font is in a staircase sort of layout shows the build up
to success

B/W except text- makes headline stand out- represents the fame.

Background is very out of focus- can faintly see palm trees represents that it may take lace in Hollywood.

Looks like a faded memory due to washed out look, supports  couple being in love and not really focusing being a star

Characters are smiling- intimate- romance movie

lighting indicates that they are outside in the setting. low depth of focus could indicate how they are only focused on each other.

Two not engaging with the props only focused on each other.
People edit infront of text would suggest them putting themselves before their jobs

Choice of font for other info is faint and delicate gives film a gentle feeling.

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